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Alt 14-04-2010, 23:30
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Post Farewell, CNCDEN!

Er sagte einmal, "I've to retire from this someday" und heute ist dieser Tag gekommen: Lion, mehr als 10 Jahre Webmaster der legendären Fanseiten CNCDEN und RADEN, gibt heute seinen Abschied aus der C&C Community bekannt:
Zitat von Lion's Final Blurb
The end has come, and time for me to leave the C&C community. My life off the net gets rather hectic at times, leaving me with little time to keep the DEN websites updated properly, so it's time to hang up my webmaster title. Anyhoot, I've had a great time over these many years covering Command & Conquer games, and I will miss that. Thanks to all for visiting and supporting the DEN websites and forums...
Zitat von Lion
After more than a decade of being a part of the Command & Conquer community and webmastering the DEN websites, I have decided to hang up my webmaster title. I don't have a big speech planned, other than to say I've had a super great time over the years. There have been some ups and downs in the C&C community, but for the most part, all has been good.

I want to say thank you to all who have visited and supported the DEN websites. I've had much help from C&C fans over the years. Thanks to Westwood Studios and now Electronic Arts for the C&C games. I've enjoyed playing them. Goodbye and best wishes to all.
Ich verneige mich vor seiner geleisteten Arbeit und wünsche ihm alles Gute für seine Zukunft.

Reaktionen zum Abschied gab's auch von APOC und Frank Klepacki:
Zitat von EA Apoc

It's people like you that have kept me fueled with passion and energy for the Command & Conquer community since I began back in 2004. There isn't a single developer who has worked on the Command & Conquer franchise that doesn't know "your name", or even better, this site. The C&C Community would not be what it is today without you, and filling your shoes will be impossible.

You're an amazing guy, and one day, I will get you over here to California, even though I have tried countless times. We'll just have to find a way to borrow Air Force One so you feel comfortable on the plane.

Either way, I sincerely hope this does not spell the end for CNCDEN. There is hardly a gaming fansite out there that is as timeless and longstanding as the DEN. Nevertheless, I'll be in touch with you personally.

The best compliment I can give you, when I first started as the C&C Community Manager back in 2004, this site was the very first one I was implored by everyone to visit daily. And I have ever since. That is a testament to YOU.

Zitat von Frank_Klepacki
Wow it was a shock to hear you are hanging up the Den. Just wanted to drop by and say I've been a visitor to CNCDen often, and I always appreciated all of your support for my contribution to the soundtracks of C&C through the years, as well as my solo efforts and beyond. You will definitly be missed and I wish you the absolute best, and hope you won't be a stranger to future RTS gaming!

Take care Lion!

- Frank Klepacki
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apoc, cncden, farewell, klepacki, lion, raden

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