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Alt 16-11-2002, 10:49
Schleimer Schleimer ist offline

Registriert seit: Oct 2002
Ort: Niedersachsen
Beiträge: 45
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sorry, ich konnte für ne Weile nicht ins Internet. Mein Modem hat gespinnt. Doch jetzt funzts wieder :-). Also hier habe ich eingefügt was noch zu übersetzen wäre:

Achtung: Das "CONTROL" bitte nicht übersetzen sondern nur die Wörter in den Anführungszeichen (Ich habs gleich aus den Befehlszeilen kopiert und hier eingefügt).

Basic Settings:
CONTROL "Next scenario:",
CONTROL "Alt. next scenario:",
CONTROL "Name:",
CONTROL "New INI format:",
CONTROL "CarryOverCap:",
CONTROL "EndOfGame",
CONTROL "Skip Score:",
CONTROL "One Time Only:",
CONTROL "Skip map select:",
CONTROL "Official",
CONTROL "Ignore global AI triggers",
CONTROL "Truck crate:",
CONTROL "Train crate:",
CONTROL "Percent: (?)",
CONTROL "Multiplayer Only:",
CONTROL "Tiberium growth enabled:",
CONTROL "Vein growth enabled:",
CONTROL "Ice growth enabled:",
CONTROL "Tiberium death to visceroid:",
CONTROL "Free radar:",
CONTROL "Init time:",
CONTROL "Required add on:",

CONTROL "Cancel",
CONTROL "Red Alert 2 EXE (make sure its in the correct path)",
CONTROL "Browse",
CONTROL "Language / Sprache:",
CONTROL "Support settings",
CONTROL "Support mission disks and mods (recommended)",
CONTROL "Only support original Red Alert 2",

INI Editor:
CONTROL "We highly recommend not to use this editor except you really know what you are doing.",
CONTROL "Sections:",
CONTROL "Keys:",
CONTROL "Delete",
CONTROL "Section content",
CONTROL "Value:",
CONTROL "Delete",
CONTROL "Insert another INI file content",

Map Properties:
CONTROL "Except useable size just for information.",
CONTROL "Size of map data",
CONTROL "\"Useable\" size",
CONTROL "The \"physical\" size of the map. Format: 0,0,Width,Height.",
CONTROL "The \"useable\" size of the map. This specifies where you can place buildings etc. Has the following format: Left,Top,Right,Bottom",
CONTROL "Theater:",
CONTROL "Ändern",
CONTROL "Ändern",
CONTROL "Width:",
CONTROL "Height:",

Insert INI file section:
CONTROL "Cancel",
CONTROL "Choose the sections you want to import in the map. Be careful! If you import a section that already exists, keys of the already existing section may be overwritten!",
CONTROL "Available sections:",
CONTROL "Import all sections",
CONTROL "Specify sections to be imported",
CONTROL "Select the sections you wish to import.",

Lighting Settings:
CONTROL "Lighting settings define the color of the terrain in the game, and you can specify a very dark or very bright map. Be careful, using wrong settings may cause the player to be unable to see his units.",
CONTROL "Normal",
CONTROL "Ion storm settings",
CONTROL "Ambient:",
CONTROL "Grün:",
CONTROL "Blau:",
CONTROL "Level:",
CONTROL "Ambient:",
CONTROL "Grün:",
CONTROL "Blau:",
CONTROL "Level:",

CONTROL "To find out the latest about C&&C Red Alert 2 please visit http://www.westwood.com!",
CONTROL "© 2001 ELECTRONIC ARTS INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED\nWestwood Studios(tm) is an Electronic Arts(tm) brand.",
CONTROL "© 2001 Electronic Arts Inc. Westwood Studios and Electronic Arts are trademarks or registered trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. All rights reserved.",

Special Flags:
CONTROL "Tiberium grows:",
CONTROL "Tiberium spreads:",
CONTROL "Tiberium explosive:",
CONTROL "Destroyable bridges:",
CONTROL "MCV deploy:",
CONTROL "Initial veteran: (initial troops have veteran status)",
CONTROL "Fixed alliance:",
CONTROL "Harvester immune:",
CONTROL "Fog of war:",
CONTROL "Inert:",
CONTROL "Ion storms:",
CONTROL "Meteorites:",
CONTROL "Visceroids:",
CONTROL "Some settings only work under certain circumstances.",

Infantry options:
CONTROL "Cancel",
CONTROL "House:",
CONTROL "Strength:",
CONTROL "Slider1",
CONTROL "State:",
CONTROL "Param1:",
CONTROL "Param2:",
CONTROL "Param3:",
CONTROL "Param4:",
CONTROL "Direction:",
CONTROL "Param5:",

Das wärs fürs erste.

@LIQUID: Ich habe dir den Patch geschickt. Ist er nicht angekommen? Ich dachte du wolltest ihn zum download anbieten. Bitte melde dich.
Mit Zitat antworten