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Alt 03-11-2002, 22:36
Schleimer Schleimer ist offline

Registriert seit: Oct 2002
Ort: Niedersachsen
Beiträge: 45
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sorry dass ich jetzt nochmal poste aber ich konnte nicht mehr weiter schreiben weil der Beitrag schon zu lang war.

Wenn du dich entschieden hast die Beschreibung auch zu übersetzen dann kannst du dich nach diesem englischen Text richten:

Teil 1

0. Kein Ereignis------------This is a null event. There is no need to ever use this in a real trigger

1. Betreten von------------Triggers when an infantry or vehicle enters the attached object. Typically this trigger is attached to a building or a cell

2. Spied upon--------------Detects when a spy has entered the attached building

3. Gestohlen von -------------Triggers when a thief steals money from the specified house

4. Entdeckt vom Spieler ---------------Detects when the attached object has been discovered by the player. Discovered means reavealed from under the shroud

5. Haus entdeckt -----------------Triggers when the specified house has any of its units or buildings discovered by the player

6. Angegriffen von einem Haus ------------Triggers when the attached unit is attacked in some manner. Incidental damage or friendly fire does not count

7. Zerstört von einem Haus -------------Triggers when the attached object has been destroyed. Destroyed by incidental damage or friendly fire doesn't count

8. Irgendein Ereignis--------------When used alone%1 it will force the trigger to spring immediately

9. Alle Einheiten zerstört von ----------------Triggers when all units of the specified house have been destroyed. Typically used for end of game conditions

10.Alle Gebäude zersrört von ------------------Triggers when all buildings of the specified side have been destroyed. Typically used for end of game conditions

11.Alles zerstört von --------------------Triggers when all objects owned by the specified house have been destroyed. This is the normal (destroy everyone) trigger condition for end of game

12.Credits übersteigen -------------------Triggers when the house (for this trigger) credit total exceeds this specified amount

13.Vergangene Zeit ----------------------Triggers when the elapsed time has expired. This time is initialized when the trigger is created. Timer is reset whenever trigger is sprung when trigger is 'persistant'

14.Missionsuhr abgelaufen ---------------Triggers when the global mission timer (as displayed on the screen) has reached zero

15.Anzahl zerstörte Gebäude bei gewähltem Haus ---------------Triggers when the number of buildings%1 owned by the trigger's specified house%1 have been destroyed.

16.Anzahl zerstörte Einheiten bei gewähltem Haus -----------------Triggers when the number of units%1 owned by the trigger's specified house%1 have been destroyed

17.Keine Fabriken mehr ------------------Triggers when there are no factories left for the house specified in the trigger

18.Zivilisten wurden evakuirt --------------Triggers when civilians have been evacuated (left the map).

19.Angegebenes Gebäude wurde gebaut. -----------------When the trigger's house builds the building type specified%1 then this event will spring

20.Angegebenes Fahrzeug wurde gebaut -----------When the trigger's house builds the unit type specified%1 then this event will spring.

21.Angegebene Infanterie wurde gebaut --------------When the trigger's house builds the infantry type specified%1 then this event will spring.

22.Angegebenes Flugobjekt wurde gebaut --------------When the trigger's house builds the aircraft type specified%1 then this event will spring.

23.Team verlässt die Karte -----------------When the trigger's house builds the aircraft type specified%1 then this event will spring.

24.Zone betreten von -----------------Triggers when a unit of the dpecified house enters the same zone that this trigger is located in. This trigger must be located in a cell and only a cell.

25.Horizontale Linie überquert --------------Triggers when a unit of the specified house crosses the horizontal line as indicated by the location of this trigger. This trigger must be placed in a cell.

26.Vertikale Linie überquert --------------Triggers when a unit of the specified house crosses the vertical line as indicated by the location of this trigger. This trigger must be placed in a cell.

27.Global is set------------Triggers when the specifed global (named in Globals.INI) is turned on.

28.Global is clear------------Triggers when the specified global (named in Globals.INI) is turned off.

29.Zerstört von etwas ---------------Triggers when attached object is destroyed%1 but not if it infiltrates a building/unit.

Teil 2

30.Wenig Energie --------------Triggers when the specified house's power falls below 100% level.

31.Brücke zerstört ------------------Triggers when the attached bridge is destroyed. A bridge is considered destroyed when an impassable gap is created in the bridge.

32.Gebäude existiert -----------------Triggers when the building (owned by the house of this trigger) specified exists on the map. This works for buildings that are preexisting or constructed by deploying.

33.Angewählt vom Spieler --------------Triggers when the unit is selected by the player. Use in single-player only.

34.Einheit nähert sich Wegpunkt --------------Triggers when the object comes near the specified waypoint.

35.Gegner im Scheinwerferlicht ---------------Triggers when an enemy unit enters the spotlight cast by the attached building.

36.Local is set(keine Ahnung ) ----------------Triggers when the specifed local is turned on.

37.Local is clear(ebenso) -------------------Triggers when the specified local is turned off.

38.Als erstes beschädigt (im Kampf) ----------------Triggers when first suffering from combat damage from combat damage only.

39.Halbe Gesundheit (im Kampf) --------------Triggers when damaged to half health >from combat damage only.

40.Viertel Gesundheit (im Kampf) ---------------Triggers when damaged to quarter health from combat damage only.

41.Als erstes beschädigt (irgendeine Quelle) ------------Triggers when first suffering from combat damage from any source.

42.Halbe Gesundheit (irgendeine Quelle) ------------------Triggers when damaged to half health >from any source.

43.Viertel Gesundheit (irgendeine Quelle) ----------------Triggers when damaged to quarter health from any source.

44.Angegriffen von (Haus) -----------------When attacked by some unit of specified house.

45.Umgebungslicht <= ------------------Triggers when the ambient light drops below a certain level. Use numbers between 0 and 100.

46.Umgebungslicht >= -------------Triggers when the ambient light rises above a certain level. Use numbers between 0 and 100.

47.Vergangene Szenariozeit --------------When time has elapsed since start of scenario.

48.Zerstört von etwas --------------Triggers when destroyed by anything what-so-ever.

49.Kiste aufgesammelt ----------When crate is picked up object the trigger is attached to.

50.Kiste aufgesammelt (irgendeine Einheit) -----------When crate is picked up by any unit.

51.Willkürliche Verspätung ----------Delays a random time between 50 and 150 percent of time specified.

52.Credits weniger als -------------Triggers when the house (for this trigger) credit total is below this specified amount.

53.Spion betritt als Haus ---------------Triggers if a spy disguised as house specified enters this.

54.Spion betritt als Infanterie ----------Triggers if a spy disguised as this type of infantry enters.
55.Alle Seeeinheiten zerstört ------------Triggers when all naval units of the specified house have been destroyed. Typically used for end of game conditions.

56.Alle Landeinheiten zerstört -------------Triggers when all land units of the specified house have been destroyed. Typically used for end of game conditions.

57.Gebäude existiert nicht -----------Triggers when the building (owned by the house of this trigger) specified does not exist on the map.

58.Volle Energie -------------Triggers if the specified house's power is at 100%.

59.Betreten oder Überfliegen von ------------Triggers when unit%1 infantry%1 or aircraft move over this cell. <THEM = House of entering unit>

60.TechTyp existiert -----------True if there are at least this many of this type%1 belonging to anyone

61.TechTyp existiert nicht ----------True if there are none of these on the map at all. Number doesn't mean anything.

Wenn das für dich etwas zuviel ist kannst du erst mal den Teil1 machen und später dann Teil 2.
Es wäre super wenn sich noch einer finden würde der Alexander helfen kann. BITTE meldet euch!

Geändert von Schleimer (03-11-2002 um 23:22 Uhr).
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