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Alt 06-12-2002, 21:53
Benutzerbild von Chriz
Chriz Chriz ist offline

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OL Nick: chrizde
Style: GDI

Die Eigenschaften der Raketen (V3ROCKET, DMISL, CMISL) sind in der Rulesini seperat festgelegt:

z. B. die V3

; V3 Rocket control ;SJM
V3RocketPauseFrames=0 ; How many frames the rocket pauses on the launcher before tilting
V3RocketTiltFrames=60 ; How many frames it takes for the V3 rocket to tilt to firing position
V3RocketPitchInitial=0.21; Starting pitch of the rocket before tilting up (0=horizontal,1=vertical)
V3RocketPitchFinal=0.5 ; Ending pitch of the rocket after tilting up; now it fires
V3RocketTurnRate=0.05 ; Pitch maneuverability of rocket in air. Adjust by trial and error.
V3RocketRaiseRate=1 ;GEF How much the missile will raise each turn on the launcher (for Cruise Missile only)
V3RocketAcceleration=0.4 ; This much is added to the rocket's velocity each frame during launch
V3RocketAltitude=768 ; Cruising altitude in leptons: at this height rocket BEGINS leveling off
V3RocketDamage=200 ; Exploding V3 does this much damage (at center of explosion, presumably).
V3RocketEliteDamage=400 ; Exploding V3 does this much damage (at center of explosion, presumably).
V3RocketBodyLength=256 ; The body of the rocket is this many leptons long
V3RocketLazyCurve=yes ; The rocket's path is a big, lazy curve. V3 yes. DMisl no. CMisl no.

Du kannst nur eine dieser 3 Raketen (V3ROCKET, DMISL, CMISL) benutzen, aber vielleicht kannt du deine Rakete bei V3RocketType= (siehe oben) hienschreiben:

V3RocketType=V3ROCKET,V3KLON (also deine Rakete)
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