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Alt 15-10-2002, 17:05
Benutzerbild von Moltke
Moltke Moltke ist offline

Registriert seit: Aug 2001
Ort: Preussen
Beiträge: 1.184
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Falsch! Das sind die Anforderungen für das Spiel.

<[Admin]Cobby> [19:06] *[2nd]Steggy* What would you suggest be the recommended requirements for C&C generals?
<H_Bomb> a gameboy!
<H_Bomb> Actually, rec specs are always fun. The easy answer is "get the top PC you can" and this applies to ANY game.
<H_Bomb> But the min spec is 1 gig GeForce 2 w/ 128 ram. Do the math from there
<H_Bomb> The card will be the big kicker. Make sure you get a nice vid card to get the most bang for your buck
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