Thema: Patch 1.1
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Alt 28-03-2007, 23:41
Benutzerbild von devil
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OL Nick: xdevilx
ichhab das ebend auch gelesen, aber bei allem was mir heillig ist, so gut is mein englisch nicht
bitte kann da mal einer ins deutsche übersetzetn=

> Ok, here's what I did.
> I ran filemon (sysinternals utility) to figure out
> what dll was causing the error during patching. The
> last file the patcher tried to access was
> patchw32.dll. It tried to find it in my <user>\Local
> Settings\Temp directory, but failed and reverted to
> one I had in my Windows\ directory.
> I assumed this must be the problem-causing dll, so on
> a fresh install, I replaced the patchw32. dll
> from my Windows\ folder with one I found here:
> http://www.dll-files. com/dllindex/download.php?patchw3
> 2download0UJhO0ULjX
> Then I opened the Control Center and checked for
> updates and the patch downloaded and installed
> successfully all the way through! YES!!! But one
> more small kink.
> When I tried to run the game I got a SecureRom error
> that said:
> "A required security module can not be activated.
> This program can not be executed."
> BUT after a restart, this error went away and now the
> game starts up normally. My game version is now
> showing 1.01, and best of all I'm able to join
> multiplayer games!!!
> This may not work for everyone, but if you are
> getting errors like those I posted in the screenshots
> of page 5 of this thread, it's worth a shot. I also
> noticed after downloading that patchw32 file, that
> there is also a patchw32.dll in the C&C3 directory,
> so you might want to try copying that one to your
> Windows directory instead of the one I linked to, as
> I assume the one they include should definitely work
> (and it's newer).
> Good luck everyone! Hope this helps at least a few
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