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Alt 23-06-2005, 13:39
Benutzerbild von Stealthman
Stealthman Stealthman ist offline

Registriert seit: Mar 2003
Ort: Berlin
Beiträge: 2.377
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Steht da schon seitm 8.6. auffer Homepage.
Die News is etwas spät

10 years since PHP 1.0 was released!

[08-Jun-2005] It has been 10 years since Rasmus released the first version of PHP. To everyone that has helped to shape PHP into what it is today; from the people developing the core and extensions, documentors, script developers, bug reporters, beta testers, PHP application developers and even just people that are using PHP—Thank you!
Herzlichen glückwunsch, bin zwar erst seit kurzem dabei, aber trotzdem
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