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Alt 28-01-2005, 09:30
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RedBasti RedBasti ist offline

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OL Nick: RedBasti
Frohlocket. Patch 1.2 rückt endlich in die Nähe und die Liste der Änderungen ist gigantisch (2 Posts waren nötig!)!


This 1.2 patch contains many improvements as well as fixes for Single and Multiplayer issues. Listed below are some of the main changes/fixes.


· Fixed missile collision code to reduce friendly fire casualties
· Reinforcement AI – AI Generals are now less suicidal
· Fixed phalanx pursuit bug
· Fixed multiple groups converging on a single point when ordered to move
· Player can now select between drip-fed and AI controlled reinforcements before a battle
· Custom battles in both single player and multiplayer involving multiple
armies of the same faction are now supported. Armies of the same faction must all be on the same team.

· Allowed troops defending a city with no walls to leave the wall boundary
· Allowed men in siege towers to panic to stop men 'fighting to the death'
becoming stuck in an inaccessible place.

· Chariots carrying an officer or the general now get the appropriate health bonus
· Stopped men on bridges from panicking (thus leading to mass extinctions).
· Fixed armies withdrawing from an ambush on the battlefield where they couldn't escape the battlefield.
· You can now see settlements, wonders, ships on adjacent tiles when
going down to the battlefield

· Increased the fatigue combat penalties by 50% to make them more

· Fixed amok elephants not killing anyone after they went into a path following individuals.

· Numerous fixes to the testudo formation, particularly movement in cities, colliding with other testudos and getting stuck in the reform task

· General Improvements to unit movement when grouped.
· Fixed bug in locomotion, which was leading to men sometimes being trapped in the testudo state.
· Fixed path finding not taking constrictions (e.g. bridges) into account when moving to points within the constriction in some cases. (Usually manifested as people running into the river when asked to attack a unit standing on a bridge).

· Allowed troops defending the plaza to leave the plaza if being shot at
· Stopped elephants/chariots and cavalry running into rivers in an attempt to reach their combat target
· Units with shields can now effectively shield themselves when marching.


· Fixed siege towers colliding (producing a rattling behaviour), when dragged out as close as possible then ordered to move.
· Fixed a crash when a unit tries to pick up ladders in deployment but doesn't have enough men in unit.
· Fixed siege towers creating arrows during deployment when in range and set to fire-at-will, which would all fly forwards in one huge volley when you started the battle.


· Added option to enable/disable unit shaders to graphics options
· Added option to enable/disable gloss maps to graphics options
· Stopped ancillary transfer ‘cloning’ issue
· Added total cost of queued mercenaries to recruitment scroll
· Sieging armies can now bring up siege equipment scroll when they have no Movement Points
· Added optional multiplayer quick chat system, and ability to set message duration (in preferences.txt)
· Added 'minimal UI' for battles, set MINIMAL_UI: TRUE in preferences.txt
· Added shortcuts for hiding elements of minimal battle ui, F5 – toggle radar, F6 - toggle buttons, F7 - toggle cards
· Added a button to admit defeat in multiplayer battles
· When using 'quick chat' system, messages are now colored depending on source of message in categories: friend, enemy, all, private
· Added logical unit selections (ctrl + shift + 1-9 to set, alt + 1-9 to select) as in Medieval. There is no visual representation of this.

· Added keyboard shortcuts to select next and previous of a given selected object type (character, settlement, fort etc.)
· Added multiplayer message log (use the ` key)
· You can now view all queued multi turn paths (equals key)


· Added filter check box to game list to filter games that cannot be joined
· Added ignore player chat button to filter unwanted chat from players in the lobby
· Players who quit the game now have their armies taken over by AI.
· Dropping players who have lost contact (either through connection problems or because of a machine lock-up) is now possible. In army selection stage, if there is a problem that causes the game to stall a chat message will notify players. If there is ONE player causing the problems, the host may kick them using the relevant 'kick' button. If the game resumes, either because the problem has been resolved or because the player causing the problem has been kicked, then a message will inform players. Players can leave the game even when stalled.

· In battles, if the game stalls a window will pop up to inform players of the problem. If one player is causing the problem, a 'kick' button will appear in this window on the host machine. All players will also have a 'leave game' option. If the game resumes, the window disappears

· Desyncs in game state are now reported in the release version of the game. A message will inform players that the game is not synchronized. The host may then kick players who have desync’d from the host game state, by using chat commands. These can be entered in battle games, by selecting any chat option. Supported commands are: '#players' - which displays a list of players in the game, with indexes that can be used to kick them, and also displays if the game is currently synchronized, and if not shows who is synchronized with the host; '#kick', which allows the host to kick players from the game, either by specifying a single player index (eg, '#kick 1'), or if the chat command has been sent 'to' a specific player, '#kick you' will kick that player. Finally, if the game has desync’d, '#kick desync' will kick all players not synchronized with the host. If the game then becomes synchronized again, a message will inform players

· Logfiles: To allow people to view stats without using the online stats tracking, a logfile report is generated after all MP battles. This lists various stats about the game. Preferences options allow you to force logfiles to be generated after ALL battles, even single player campaign ones. By default this is off - the preferences.txt file must be edited by hand, there is no in-game UI to change these. The name of the file used is online_mp_DD-MM-YY_HHMM.txt, for day, month, year, hour, minute, saved to 'logfiles' directory. Another preferences option allows you to switch off time stamped logfiles and just use logfile.txt.

Player Id’s: In Online play, users can choose any name they like at login. We do however have a CD-key specific ID that is unique, and we've implemented a system that lets people use this information. It's disabled by default - preferences settings (starting with GS_PID) enable this, although you can also enable it through the chat window in the lobby. The basic idea is that information derived from a player's CD ID is displayed as a tooltip for that player's name; the CD ID itself can be shown, and/or it can be used to look up entries from listings. The system uses listings found in playerlists directory. Lists have titles and a series of player CD ID/name pairs. If a CDID is present in a list, the tooltip for that player will appear and show the list title and the name found. One listing is (optionally) maintained by the game - current.txt, which has a default title 'Known'. When you log out, any CD IDs not previously seen are appended to this list. You can also force saving the list with #cur. Use #cur TITLE to save and also change the title used. By default, current.txt is used - this can be toggled with #usecur. Chat-window commands control this system. #pid - enables and disables the system. #fullid - toggles display of CD ID. This is not active by default, as the ids are just numbers. #usecur - toggle use of current.txt listing (active by default) #lists - reload all player lists; also displays the position of any errors if it failed to load, so people can create their own lists and try them out more easily. Check current.txt for format. With this system active, you can see what people called themselves the first time you met them. The community can create and distribute additional listings, for tournaments, clans, and rankings. This goes some way to letting people have confidence in identities. It's disabled by default, and is entirely optional, so only those who feel the need for it will use it. The tooltips for players can take a second or two to appear as GameSpy has to be queried for CDID info. If there is no listing, nothing will appear - also, if the player is in GameSpy Arcade, no CDID info is available, so again nothing will appear.
-->Reviews von Gamern für Gamer bei Gamer-Oase.de<--
Oh, isn't there someone else you can annoy? Friends? Family? Poisonous reptiles? - Manfred in Ice Age

Geändert von RedBasti (28-01-2005 um 09:33 Uhr).
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