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Alt 13-01-2005, 13:38
Benutzerbild von redroach
redroach redroach ist offline

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OL Nick: redroach
neuestes statement, gerade entnommen von bfme.org:

First of all, we're putting the finishing touches on patch 1.01. This is a real meaty patch that includes some 50 tweaks, updates, and fixes of varying size and visibility. Probably the biggest feature of the patch is the addition of an online communicator. As in Generals and Zero Hour, it will let you add other users to a "friend list" that you can use to keep track of and chat with friends anytime they are logged into The Battle for Middle-earth online. Other features of the patch include a handful of technical fixes for the game itself as well as for World Builder; all known exploits addressed; balance changes; and three new multiplayer and skirmish maps. We're targeting the release of the patch for this month, and should have a firm launch date later on this week.

Secondly, we're going to be resetting the 1v1 and 2v2 ladders a few days after the release of 1.01, and we'll be working with GameSpy to start kicking and banning any users with a high number of disconnect-to-win ratios. To be clear, we will not tolerate any users who purposefully disconnect to avoid a loss, and we will take steps to punish them on the ladders.
tja, gute und schlechte neuigkeiten: ersmal wurde der patch von mitte januar auf wahrscheinlich eher ende januar verschoben. die ladder wird resetted (was ich gut finde) und danach intensiv auf disconnecter ueberwacht (naja, besser waer ein automatischer loss bei nem disconnect, aber das kriegen die eh nicht auf die reihe)
ein communicator kommt - nicht schlecht, aber nichts zu sehen von wenigstens einem arranged 2v2. nicht so gut.
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