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Biohazard 29-08-2002 20:42

Blitz needs help
Anyone who can speak English here too, please at least loosely translate for me.

The Blitzkreig TC is VERY close to being finished, but we still need unit voices for the German tanks, planes and ships. We'd like these to be spoken in real German, but I can't speak it and our team leader can't speak it well. I was wondering if any of you would be able to help me out and record some? I have a list of things to say that I translated using Altavista; I'm not sure how well they worked out though. If you see mistake in them when I send you the list, just fix it how you see fit. Thanks!

Contact me at

MRThomm 29-08-2002 21:05

Re: Blitz needs help

Original geschrieben von Biohazard
Anyone who can speak English here too, please at least loosely translate for me.

The Blitzkreig TC is VERY close to being finished, but we still need unit voices for the German tanks, planes and ships. We'd like these to be spoken in real German, but I can't speak it and our team leader can't speak it well. I was wondering if any of you would be able to help me out and record some? I have a list of things to say that I translated using Altavista; I'm not sure how well they worked out though. If you see mistake in them when I send you the list, just fix it how you see fit. Thanks!

Contact me at

plz löschen ThX :shy:

BurnXout 29-08-2002 21:20

Sorry, I couldn't help ya, cause my voice sounds like Mickey Mouse.

But I got an idea for ya: Record the speech from some good german movies.

Sven 29-08-2002 22:06


Anyone who can speak English here too, please at least loosely translate for me.

The Blitzkreig TC is VERY close to being finished, but we still need unit voices for the German tanks, planes and ships. We'd like these to be spoken in real German, but I can't speak it and our team leader can't speak it well. I was wondering if any of you would be able to help me out and record some? I have a list of things to say that I translated using Altavista; I'm not sure how well they worked out though. If you see mistake in them when I send you the list, just fix it how you see fit. Thanks!

Contact me at
Ok, ich übersetz mal ;)

Die Blitzkrieg TC steht kurz vor ihrer Fertigstellung aber wir benötigen noch Sprecher, Stimmen für die deutschen Panzer, Flieger und Schiffe. Wir möchten gerne daß diese in echtem Deutsch gesprochen werden - aber ich kann es nicht und unser Teamleiter kann es nicht gut genug. Ich hab mich gefragt ob jemand von euch bereit wäre mir zu helfen und seine Stimme zur Verfügung zu stellen. Ich habe eine Liste von Sprachsamples die ich mit Altavista übersetzt habe, ich bin mir allerdings nicht sicher ob das so OK war. Wenn ihr einen Fehler findet wenn ich euch die Liste schicke dann könnt ihr das einfach verbessern. Danke!

Kontaktiert mich:
Na, jemand von euch Interesse seine Stimme zur Verfügung zu stellen? (Ich steh gerne zur Verfügung wenn es Probleme mit der Verständigung gibt ;)

@Biohazard: Translated, let's see if anyone will contact you ;)

BurnXout 30-08-2002 00:45

Re: Re: Blitz needs help

Original geschrieben von MRThomm

plz löschen ThX :shy:

warum eigentlich?

ahitsawin 30-08-2002 01:13

weil er leuten die öfter mal aufm off tourny forum von ww warn sehr bekannt vorkommen dürfte :D

aber warum wurde das ins renegade forum verschoben?
soweit ich weiss gehts um ne mod zu ra2, nich zu renegade

BurnXout 30-08-2002 01:30

jo, Blitzkrieg ist für Ar2.

Sven 30-08-2002 01:32

Ich war mir eigentlich recht sicher das in's RTS Mod/Map Forum verschoben zu haben.... hat da noch wer?Back in Town jedenfalls ;)

Prof-Falmer 30-08-2002 22:06

Stehe gern zur verfügung ;)

I m under your control ;), I want BK

exuser 31-08-2002 07:47

I would help you but I could not becaue, I am 13 and I think you dont want the voice of a 13-ager ;)

(I hope my school-englih is good enough :) )

XwarXI 31-08-2002 08:58


Original geschrieben von Fetze
I would help you but I could not becaue, I am 13 and I think you dont want the voice of a 13-ager ;)

(I hope my school-englih is good enough :) )

I'm 13, too....

Prof-Falmer 31-08-2002 13:19

I´m 18 years old ;)
but my voice is cool *g*
sounds not for a german ;)

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