Vollständige Version anzeigen : 3. Unitprofil: Sickle

03-06-2008, 11:10
Püntklich geht es auf der offiziellen RA3 Site (http://www.ea.com/redalert/index.jsp) weiter mit den Unitprofilen. Nun ist der Sickle dran:
Designation: Anti-Infantry Walker
Manufacturer: Kazminov Design Bureau
National Origin: U.S.S.R.
Mass-Produced at: Soviet War Factory

<a href="/storage/users/5/5/images/1425/RA3_Soviet_Sickle2sm.jpg"">http://www.cncforen.de/storage/users/5/5/images/1425/medium.jpg

Key Features:
» Three PKX 12.7 mm heavy machine guns
» Three sealed swivel-ball canopies
» Pressurized stilt-leg suspension
» Sealed ammo hold prevents internal fires
» AM clock-radio
Originally designed as a police vehicle for use in fringe-republics noted for their "heightened" risk of revolt, the Soviet Union's KDB-5 Sickle has a compact form factor, four durable steel stilt-legs, and three articulated gunnery positions that make it ideal for urban operations and crowd control. It exceeded expectations in its original role, becoming a mainstay in Soviet mechanized armor divisions while escalating the Ukraine's Kazminov Design Bureau to the upper echelons of the Soviet Union's weapons manufacturers.

The Sickle's dramatic spiderlike shape--clearly a response to Sversky Robot Works' infamous "Terror Drone" remote-operated military scout created almost a decade prior--quickly deterred crime in some areas. However, occasionally the Sickle had the opposite effect, provoking an already-disrespectful and ungrateful populace into full-on riots and street fighting. It was through several of these incidents that the Soviet military took notice of the vehicle, for it managed to cut down a staggering number of traitorous men, women, and children in record time. (How foolish they were to poke fun at the Sickle!) In spite of the spindly look of the vehicle, it proved stable and fast enough to allow its three machine gunners a near-perfect vantage point for silencing enemy combatants.

The militarized version of the Sickle features a much sturdier, reinforced leg design that allows the entire vehicle to leap long distances, sending it clear over obstacles such as roadblocks or traffic intersections. The maneuver was intended only to provide these types of tactical advantages, though Soviet authorities have conceded that the Sickle's ability to "flea jump", as Sickle gunners affectionately refer to the technique, has increasingly been used for recreational purposes. Appropriate punishment is still being vetted in military courts, though for now, all Sickles in the field have been hard-coded with a strict limit on how frequently the jump maneuver may be used.

Das komplette Profil gibt es <a class="external" onclick="window.open(this.href,'_blank');return false;" onkeydown="window.open(this.href,'_blank');return false;" href="http://www.ea.com/redalert/factions-soviets.jsp?id=Sickle">hier

Anm: Das Ding hat einen Radiowecker? :D

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