Vollständige Version anzeigen : Update 1.03 - die Änderungen - Termin

18-03-2006, 11:01
Delphi hat sich nach langer Zeit mal wieder zum nächsten Update zu Wort gemeldet. Er rechntet damit, dass er nächste Woche released wird.
Hi Guys,

We just wanted to give everyone a quick update on our next patch.

Patch 1.03 is nearing the final phase of testing and we are expecting it to be released next week. The patch contains a wide array of updates and fixes resulting from feedback we have received from the community. Most importantly, connectivity issues should be greatly reduced. Along with fixes and tweaks made to the net code, we’ve added a new feature that will allow the host to “Test Connections” before the game launches to ensure connectivity is 100%. You may have also noticed some changes to the Star Wars: Empire at War GameSpy portal pages. We're revamping the ladders artistically as well as adding a few new stats to both the ladders and player profiles including disconnects/ out of syncs, favorite side, favorite ladder, best win streak and worst loss streak. Check them out when the patch goes live!

As an added bonus, patch 1.03 contains new content including 1 new land tactical multiplayer map (Corellia) that utilizes the single-player reinforcement pop cap system; per the request of the community. In addition we’ve added a brand new 43 planet multiplayer campaign map that will give fans hours upon hours of EAW online mayhem. This is our way of saying thanks for all the support!

We are also hard at work on the editor and will provide more detail on the release date and contents as soon as we can.

Both the Petroglyph and LEC teams appreciate your passion, enthusiasm, patience and support for Empire at War. We couldn't do it without you!

Thank you!

Cya online


Patch 1.03 Notes

New Content

* Added a new Multiplayer Land Skirmish map: "Corellian Countdown." This Skirmish map allows players to raise their own population cap by taking control points. This is similar to how land maps in Campaign games work.
* Added a new 43 Planet Multiplayer Campaign Map: "Lines are Drawn." This is a larger Campaign map that contains all of the planets from galactic map used in the story.

New Features

* Added an "ignore" button to the Internet lobby. Ignored player chat is not seen in any Internet dialog, and Ignored players are shown in a different color in the player list.
* Added "Quality Lights" to the multiplayer game lobby screen to indicate connection performance between players. Detailed ToolTips will also display when the mouse cursor is hovering over the "quality"
* Added a "test connections" button to the multiplayer game lobby screen that allows players to test out their connections with other players in a match before starting.

New Fixes

* Corrected several issues that caused Quick Match to hang indefinitely.
* Corrected an issue where Quick Match would connect more than two players to a game, resulting in a sync error.
* Several stat exploits that have been discovered and abused have been corrected. As a result, the GameSpy Arena 1v1 Space Skirmish, 1v1 Land Skirmish and 1v1 Campaign ladders will be reset. It is important to note that the ladders will remain populated. However, the current stats will be cleared to coincide with the 1.03 update as this levels the playing field allowing all players to fairly earn a ladder rank.
* Victory movies can now be skipped in multiplayer games.
* Corrected an issue where AT-ATs would stop moving when tow-cabled by Rebel speeders, allowing players to stop the unit from suffering a successful tow-cable attack.
* Client player in a match is now allowed to change color/faction after pressing accept.
* Increased Multiplayer stability for LAN and Internet games.
* Corrected an issue that caused CD-Keys to become invalid when playing on Limited-User Windows profiles.
* Corrected several text issues, including the removal of references to the Venator and corrections for "missing" text problems.
* Corrected an issue that allowed Empire heroes to be placed on the Death Star.
* Numerous other improvements and corrections have also been made in this patch.

Balance Issues

* Improved targeting priority for AI when fighting Star
* Increased the tractor beam hard point health from 100 to
150 for Star Destroyers.
* Increased the Garrison spawn time from 15 seconds to 25
Seconds for most buildings.

18-03-2006, 13:24
43 Planeten multiplayer Galaxie eroberung...saber...

Die änderungen sind doch geil. Besonders erfreulich ist das sich PG die Kretik zu herz nimt und mit neuen Maps antwortet.

18-03-2006, 19:31
Weiteres Statement von Delphi, welches einen Ausblick auf 1.04 gibt:
Connectivity was our primary focus. We'd rather fans be able to play the game than deleiver a ton of balance changes with limited playability. Patch 1.04 will have balance tweaks you seek. Because connectivity was our primary concern and focus, replays also took a back seat until 1.04.

So in summary, expect 1.04 to have a heap of balance updates for both sides.

Psycho Joker
18-03-2006, 20:38
Klingt sehr gut. Stimmt optimistisch.

22-03-2006, 11:56
Patch 1.03 ist da:

22-03-2006, 13:19
sofort nachdem ich die Narchit gelesen habe, nahm ich erst mal 10 Jahr C&C aus meinem Laufwerk. jetzt lade ich runter ich freue mich schon auf die 43 Plani Karte.

Fürst Aragon
22-03-2006, 14:56
&%§$")&" Arbeit!
Und ich komme erst gegen 22.00 Uhr nach Hause...:(

Ich will doch auch die 43 Planeten Kampagne testen! :)

Gut finde ich aber auch diese Verbesserung:
"* Increased the Garrison spawn time from 15 seconds to 25
Seconds for most buildings." :cool:

Das ging mir schon auf den Keks, dass bei der KI in Massenproduktion die Teile aus den Fabriken kamen.

22-03-2006, 15:03
das ist Glalktischer konflikt nur für MP.

Ich hatte da irgendwas falsch verstanden ich dachte da käme noch ein Planet hinzu.

edit:der neue verbindungs test ist sehr nützlich.

24-03-2006, 10:00
Leider kaum was für Singleplayer dabei... Schade...